Scottish songwriting spouses David and Yvonne Lyon have teamed up with Northumberland-based folkster Gareth Davies-Jones to record an album that takes several of the Beatitudes found in Christ's Sermon On The Mount as inspiration. Once again, Foundry Music Lab duo Graeme Duffin and Sandy Jones have been called upon to add their vast production experience and proceedings kick off in fine fashion with Yvonne's "Hold On" which uses her now trademark tender vocals and heart-grabbing lyrics to whisper hope into the troubled heart. Davies-Jones wades in with the upbeat mandolin-driven "Maker Of The Peace" which riffs off the most familiar of the Beatitudes with skill before both singers - supported by a musical bedrock supplied by Messrs Duffin, Jones and Lyon - continue to offer up their own takes on Christ's teachings in a way that touches the soul whilst highlighting their relevance some two thousand years later. Standout moments include GDJ's comfort zone-shaking "A Question Of Treasure" and the a cappella piece "Kingdom Come" and, whilst the trio have gone for a fairly straightforward musical approach with no real surprises, they have succeeded in interpreting their chosen concept with skill, integrity and warmth in a way that will please fans of all three artists. 8/10